Monday, December 2, 2013

"Smith Family 25 Days of Christmas"-Day 1

We are technically a day behind since yesterday was Dec 1st but a sick toddler kept us from venturing out. So today will be our Day One and we know that God will be faithful to double up the blessings for someone ;)

And in case you missed my message about how all this came to be you can read it HERE

Today's Message:

"Today little ones, let's go warm up someone's body, heart and soul!" Love, Jesus


We began praying throughout the day about who we were to give to give this special gift too. And then we learned of a family a street over from us that had lost their one year old granddaughter a month ago( Her dad accidentally ran over her) So sad and heartbreaking!

We knew immediately this was the family we were to bless today. Maddie quietly laid the package against their mailbox and ran back to the car.

And if you would please join us in praying for this precious family. I can not even begin to imagine what this family must be going through. :(


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