
Friday, June 4, 2010

Mirror Mirror

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30

It seems all to often the mirror's image is what we allow to define us as women. We wake up every morning and allow our days to be set by who the mirror tells us we are. We twist and turn, inspecting every inch and crevice of our bodies, examining it through a magnifying glass we created on our own. I carried that magnifying glass all to often in my life and I am still at times tempted to take it out. I bought into the lie that physical beauty is what determines your worth. That what the mirror portrayed of me was more important than anything else. And because of that I struggled many years with a distorted body image that led to countless years of eating disorders and depression over trying to keep the taunting voices happy. It was a long exhausting road and it got me nowhere..But then I realized that's the trap satan doesn't want you to figure out, you believe that if you get to a certain number, then you will finally be happy and will finally have the worth you have been seeking. But the the vicious cycle continues..Because as long as you are placing your worth in anything other than Jesus, then it will never be enough. Jesus didn't create us to allow things such as that to define our worth..He knew they would fade..But what about the beauty that truly radiates, the beauty that shines from within?

I have met many people in my life that were physically gorgeous, but all to often I would realize that something was missing, I was constantly looking for that inner beauty, something that kept me captivated. And all to often I just couldn't find it..why?.. Because inner beauty isn't the same as that which lies on the outside..Physical beauty can't go inward, but inner beauty..Christ's beauty can radiate from the inside out..What Christ puts on the inside of a woman desiring to be made whole in Him, radiates outward and she becomes a image of TRUE beauty. She becomes the COMPLETE package..When we begin to realize our worth is in Him and learn to accept the woman He created us to be, we realize that it doesn't matter if we can do sit ups, run a mile or fit in those skinny jeans;) We begin to see that those things don't define us anymore nor do they own us..

It is certainly not wrong to want to be physically fit, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be treated as such, and I for one love being physically active and enjoy keeping my body in shape.. But the Lord began teaching me, it all lies in our focus..If we choose to focus all our energy on the physical then that's what we will have to settle empty shell..But if we begin to focus on the inner part of ourselves and allow God to teach us who He says we are and allow Him to clothe us His heavenly garments, that's when the complete transformation takes place.. When the real beauty will radiate! That's when you are able to lift your head up and walk confidence because you know that no matter what may linger on the outside..You are confident in WHO lingers on the inside and well that kind of beauty girlfriend is the REAL thing and it just doesn't get any better than that!:)

I want you to take some time and answer these questions..

Does your focus on your appearance take your eyes off the Lord?

Are you more focused on your weight, clothes, or makeup than you are on God?

If you answered yes.. Spend time with God and ask Him to allow you to look in His mirror and see the beauty He sees in you and wants to do through you..You might just be surprised at what you see;)

Music always plays a big part in the way the Lord speaks to me and as I was writing this the Lord laid this song on my heart and it goes perfect with this message and I wanted to share..


  1. Hey Amanda... We have walked simliar roads it seems... and an exhausting road that is! So glad Jesus is freeing us more everyday and showing us that our wholeness comes from Him alone!! Be blessed my friend. Charissa

  2. So exciting to see you on MOB. I found it through Gypsy Mama. I am Carriep310 on TM by the way! HA! would love to connect more in the blog world! I have been soaking up the MOB posts.. . I would love to guest post, but I am afraid I am in the pit of despair with my 3 year old Carson! I wouldn't be able to offer much wisdom on the subject... But SO encouraging to see you on there!

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